The IV Quarter 2023 Report on Industry and Sub-industry Trading Multiples for business valuations is now available for download on our website pages: . Our 1500 pages Report presents multiples for 70 industries and 190 sub industries. Reported are medians, quartiles, means, minimum and maximum values of Industry and Sub-Industry trailing multiples, calculated, quarter-by-quarter, over a period of five years. Also featured are the distribution of multiples versus expected growth of their denominators and their distribution versus capitalization of underlying companies. Industry and Sub-Industry multiples are estimated on the basis of financials and market data of about thirty thousand quoted companies.
As an alternative to the download of the quarterly reports on Industry and Sub-Industry Multiples, for a more broader analysis one can login and access to our online platform, that allows to research, select and visualize not only trailing but also leading Industry and Sub-Industry Multiples, and offers the possibility to display their values for specific countries and/or over a longer period of time than the last five years (in most cases, series of Industry and Sub-Industry Multiples can be traced back to the earlier years of 2000s). Our platform is accessible at: .